
H.H. Shrimad Namchaitanya Bhanudas                                                            View Previous Article
Published on: 4 November 2008                                                                           View Next Article
Courtesy: Marathi Daily, Mumbai Sakaal(Article No 9)                                      View: Current Article in Marathi (PDF)


       We all want to have peace of mind and to enjoy bliss but the world is not obliged to provide that to us. Each person’s nature and way of thinking are different. Differences of opinions are, therefore, inevitable. As a matter of fact, diversity is a law of Nature and that is its beauty. There is no need to feel bad because our mental wavelength does not match with that of another. We believe that we behave appropriately and that it is the others’ inappropriate behaviour that causes us trouble. With a view to avoiding such trouble, I will today explain how life can be lived like a game of chess.

      Chess is always played by two players seated on opposite sides of a chess board. Each player has 8 pawns, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, a queen and a king. The manner in which each of these pieces can move is pre-decided by the rules of the game. It is difficult to predict what sort of attacks and counter-attacks will take place and which player will be the winner. Now assume that our life is also like a game of chess. There are some persons who have the habit of speaking at cross purposes no matter with how much love and affection you speak to them. These persons are like the bishops in a chess game. They always move (behave) diagonally or in a slanting manner. If such a person behaves nicely on some occasion, you can definitely assume that there is something fishy! Then there are some persons who will criticize you bluntly no matter whether you have erred or not. They are like the rooks which attack upfront! Some others will behave very nicely but suddenly act in a strange manner. These are the knights! After moving two squares in a straight – vertical or horizontal - direction they will move one square to the right or left. The pawns can only move forward unlike the other pieces and usually don’t bother anyone but are able to capture any opposition piece that occupies the two diagonally opposite squares. Some persons wield influence over everyone. They are like the queen on the chess board which has the liberty to move vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

      However, we should be like the king. The king never runs about nor does he try to attack and kill anyone. For his self defense, he will move one square in any direction. Please identify the ‘opposition rooks, knights and bishops’ in your life and assume that they will behave in the same manner that they are wont to. From a mental standpoint, you be the king. Your peace of mind will not get disturbed.