Adhyatma-Vidnyan (Spiritual Science)

H.H. Shrimad Namchaitanya Bhanudas                                                            View Next Article
Published on: 02 September 2008
Courtesy: Marathi Daily, Mumbai Sakaal(Article No 1)                                     View: Current Article in Marathi (PDF)

       Over the last few years, man has achieved tremendous progress in all fields of human endeavour and there are innumerable examples which we observe all around us. Consequently, many materialistic pleasures are at his beck and call. However, is he really happy? The obvious answer to this fundamental question would be negative.

        Every person is anxious due to several problems, questions and challenges and finds it an uphill task to face them. The resultant instability only gets magnified by events such as a succession of bomb blasts. Consequently, many people tend to be drawn towards despair. Going by the adage that a drowning person will cling to even a piece of straw for life support, such people make pitiable efforts to get some solace from religion. As their self-confidence is shattered by disappointment and despair, many youth queue outside temples and mutts for hours at a stretch. There are many so-called ´Gurus´ in society who are just waiting to offer ´support´ to such people who consider themselves to be helpless. Most people who surrender to such ´Gurus´ either lean towards blind faith or lose faith altogether in religion.

      There is now an increasing awareness among people that society should not become a victim of blind faith. There is a need to make very clear the extremely faint line of demarcation between faith and blind faith. It is also necessary for people to develop an appropriate outlook or attitude towards oneself, family, vocation and society. It is such an outlook that is very essential to overcome and free oneself from the stress and strains that one faces in life. Adhyatma-Vidnyan or Spiritual Science that H.H. Srimad Namchaitanya Bhanudas has put forth has the power to offer appropriate guidance in all such matters. We shall hereafter acquaint ourselves on an ongoing series with Adhyatma-Vidnyan which makes it easy to follow the path of self-upliftment and spirituality.